Caroline Bray
Going places...
Car shows of 2019-2021
CAR SHOWS OF 2019-2021....
while I may look back at my older works with a mix of bravery humility, I see them as stepping stones in my growth. Thank you for taking the time to explore my creations! Your support means the world to me as I continue to learn and evolve. (please cringe as much as I do) LOLL!🍃
Here are all my My Electric Vehicle Car Shows... See whole list of them... And gas car shows too, because I pass gas.. (EVERYWHERE I go) 🤣
2018 -
We showed off our Chevy Bolt for Ride and Drive Electric Pass Gas Go Electric September 2018 (video link here)
First Road trip Chevy Bolt Aug 2018 (video Link here)
the year my life changed from riding my bike and walking to work to DRIVING A CAR!! and not just any car and all Electric NISSAN LEAF!
Welcome to the exciting journey of car show adventures! In 2022, I realized that simply attending two car shows a year wasn't enough to share our message for my son's future and the generations to come. That's why made the commitment to participate in even more shows each year! Join me as we explore, connect, and celebrate our passion for cars together!

2019 -
We were apart of the Cars of the Future Car Show March 2019
We Showed off the Chevy Bolt in the first ever EV car in an ice car show APEX park in Arvada Colorado June 2019 (video link here)
Fire fighters fest-Showed off the Bolt and a Friend's Tesla Model 3, August 2019 (video link here) **Special note. this is BEFORE Caroline received the LEAF**
Caroline got her FIRST car Sept 2019 (video link here)
Caroline first car show w the leaf Sept 2019 (video link here)
The Poster "Fossil Fuel has GOT TO GO" is from the Strike for the Climate one week prior to car sow (video link here)

Welcome to the weirdest year yet! 2020 changed a lot for many of us, and while I'm at car shows, I often find myself sharing a common question: What do you do with a teenager during COVID? Well, we started embarking on road trips, and let me tell you, we had a blast! (link to road trips)
April 3, 2021 Car show in Golden Colorado (video link here)
Sept 26, 2021 Forney Museum Denver Colorado National Drive Electric Week
Oct 2, 2021 Golden Colorado NDEW
Car shows of 2019-2021
Car shows of 2019-2021